Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Photo:  Jacob Oscarson

New Sculpture Installed on Temple Square

A beautiful sculpture by Leroy Transfield has been recently installed on Temple Square, depicting Joseph Smith with the gold plates while looking up at the angel Moroni. On the north side of the temple, construction of the sealing wing continues and cladding of the two entrance pavilions is progressing. The exteriors of the visitor pavilions have been completed on the south side of the temple, and the west end of Temple Square has reopened. Renovations of the Beehive House, Lion House, and Joseph Smith Memorial Building are advancing.
Photo:  Martha Reimer

Grass Removed from the San Diego California Temple Grounds

More landscaping has been removed from the grounds of the San Diego California Temple, including the grass in the oval-shaped gathering area at the south end of the property. The striking edifice has been closed for a major renovation of the interior, exterior, and grounds for the past 20 months. It is the southernmost temple in California where there are 8 dedicated temples, 2 under construction, and 2 announced for construction.
Photo:  Hannah Mae Estocado Tumarong

President and Matron Called to Serve in the Davao Philippines Temple

Edgar Cocon Cabrera and Jocelyn Dulos Saromines Cabrera of the Tagum Philippines Stake have been called as the first president and matron of the Davao Philippines Temple. President Cabrera is a temple presidency counselor and a former mission presidency counselor, stake presidency counselor, district president and branch president. Sister Cabrera is an assistant to the matron and Relief Society activity coordinator and a former district Relief Society presidency counselor.
Photo:  Alexander Castillo

Alabang Philippines Temple President and Matron Called

Romeo Sindingan Elisan Jr. and Jocelyn Sinoy Dumaup Elisan of the Las Piñas Philippines Stake have been called to serve as the first president and matron of the Alabang Philippines Temple. President Elisan is a ward temple and family history leader and temple sealer and a former high councilor, district presidency counselor and branch president. Sister Elisan is a ward Relief Society presidency counselor and temple worker and a former ward Primary presidency counselor.
Photo:  Robert A. Stancliffe

Stone Cladding Moves Up the Fort Worth Texas Temple Tower

In the North Texas community of Burleson, stone cladding continues to be secured to the exterior walls and tower of the Fort Worth Texas Temple. The steeple for the adjoining meetinghouse was installed last week, and concrete structures define the major sections of the grounds. Located on the southern edge of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, the population of Burleson has grown substantially in recent years.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Revised Plans Submitted for the McKinney Texas Temple

Revised plans have been submitted for the McKinney Texas Temple, consistent with a mediated agreement reached between the Church and the Town of Fairview in November. The new design is a 45-foot tall, single-level temple of 30,000 square feet with a spire reaching 120 feet. The Church announced its intention to sue the Town when a withdrawal of support became apparent following mediation. However, the Church explained why legal action has been set aside: "Recently, the mayor has again expressed his support and belief that the Town Council will stand by its word."
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

May Groundbreaking Announced for the Natal Brazil Temple

Elder Mark D. Eddy, Second Counselor in the Brazil Area Presidency, will preside at the groundbreaking event for the Natal Brazil Temple on Saturday, May 17, 2025. This house of the Lord will be erected on a 5.53-acre site located on Avenida Senador Salgado Filho (BR-101) in the Nova Parnamirim neighborhood of the Natal suburb of Parnamirim. Plans call for a single-level temple of approximately 19,800 square feet.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Groundbreaking Services to Be Held for the Budapest Hungary Temple

Elder Rubén V. Alliaud, Europe Central Area President, will preside at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Budapest Hungary Temple Saturday, June 21, 2025. The temple will be constructed on a 5.92-acre site located at the intersection of Kocsis Sándor út and Borsikafū utca in the Harsánylejtő neighborhood of Budapest. Plans call for a one-story temple of approximately 18,000 square feet, along with an arrival center and patron housing.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Benin City Nigeria Temple Groundbreaking Slated for May 24

Elder Adeyinka A. Ojediran, First Counselor in the Africa West Area Presidency, will preside at the groundbreaking for the Benin City Nigeria Temple on Saturday, May 24, 2025. This house of the Lord will be constructed on a 2.17-acre site located at 16 Commercial Avenue in Benin City. Plans call for a two-story temple of approximately 30,700 square feet with an arrival center and patron housing on site.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Groundbreaking Announced for the Lagos Nigeria Temple

Elder Alfred Kyungu, Africa West Area President, will preside at the groundbreaking services for the Lagos Nigeria Temple on Saturday, May 10, 2025. The temple will be constructed on a 2.7-acre site located at Rumens Road and Bourdillon Road in the Ikoyi neighborhood of Lagos. Plans call for a single-level temple of approximately 19,800 square feet. An arrival center and patron housing will also be constructed on the site.
Photo:  Greg Farley

Open House and Dedication of the Farmington New Mexico Temple

An open house has been announced for the Farmington New Mexico Temple, beginning with a media day on Monday, July 14, 2025. Following two days of tours for invited guests, the public is invited to tour the building from Thursday, July 17, through Saturday, August 2, excluding Sundays. Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will dedicate the temple on Sunday, August 17, 2025. The dedicatory session will be broadcast to all units in the temple district.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

President Holland Rededicates the Toronto Ontario Temple

President Jeffrey R. Holland, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, rededicated the Toronto Ontario Temple on Sunday, March 23, 2025. "Today we are happy to break the lock on the Toronto Ontario Temple and its grounds, to have what we pray will be a continuous flow of faithful recommend holders in this renewed opportunity now open to us," he said. "Today, may we not 'go through the temple,' but may we have the temple 'go through us.'" The temple was rededicated following a renovation that began in October 2023 and concluded in December 2024.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Ground Broken for the Birmingham England Temple

Ground was formally broken for the Birmingham England Temple on Saturday, March 22, 2025. Elder Scott D. Whiting of the Seventy and president of the Europe North Area presided. "Today marks a joyous occasion as we break ground for the Birmingham England Temple," said Elder Whiting. "This holy house will stand as a beacon of faith, peace and devotion to Jesus Christ for generations to come. We pray that it will bless not only those who enter its doors but also the surrounding community, as a symbol of love, service and unity."
Photo:  Susan M Switzler

Installing Stained-Glass Windows in the Cleveland Ohio Temple

Exterior cladding of the Cleveland Ohio Temple has reached the top of the tower, while panes of stained glass are installed in the window openings. The temple will be a beautiful addition to the City of Independence, located 8 miles south of Cleveland. Independence was established as a township in 1814, became a village in 1914, and a city in 1960. It is a community that blends quiet residential neighborhoods with bustling business districts.
Photo:  Kael Wilcox

Smithfield Utah Temple: A Beautiful Cache Valley Landmark

"I have seen much of the world, but this peaceful valley surrounded by these majestic mountains always feels like home to me," said Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Smithfield Utah Temple, held 33 months ago. "It is among the most beautiful places on earth." This heavenly house of the Lord is further beautifying Utah's Cache Valley as exterior stone cladding is installed on the west side of the building.
Photo:  Teng Kaon TV

Metal Barrier Removed from the Davao Philippines Temple Site

The metal construction barrier has been removed from the front of the Davao Philippines Temple site and replaced with a see-through netting that allows the permanent ornamental fence to be seen. Tests of the exterior lighting system are underway, and work is progressing on landscaping the grounds. Installation of the front door has not yet begun. Construction at the temple complex began 52 months ago.
Photo:  Robert O'Connor

Cladding the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Tower

Cladding of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple tower in stone has been the focus of the installing crews over the past several weeks. Once completed, the scaffolding will come down and the unfinished areas at the northwest corner of the temple and around the portico can be completed. The temple stands in a picturesque setting near a tree-covered knoll along the McKenzie River.
Photo:  James Lee

Building the Steeple Pedestal Atop the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

Reinforced concrete walls have been constructed for the main body of the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple, and work has begun on building the steeple pedestal that sits over the center of the building. Hip roofs have been added to the ancillary buildings, located on the north and south sides of the property. Construction on the project began almost 16 months ago in November 2023.
Photo:  Michael Dawson

Adding a Sheathing Layer to the Wichita Kansas Temple

Framing has topped out for the multi-tiered tower atop the Wichita Kansas Temple. It will later be capped with a pyramidal spire and finial. On the main body of the temple, a sheathing layer is being attached to the exterior surfaces of the modules. Hanging brackets will then be attached for securing the cladding panels. Construction has been underway for approximately six months.
Photo:  Steve Liu

Planting Vegetation on the Yorba Linda California Temple Grounds

On the grounds of the Yorba Linda California Temple, a variety of plants, trees, and shrubs are being planted in the flowerbeds and garden areas. Walkways are being paved, lamp posts installed, and fence panels hung. On the exterior, cladding and roofing are progressing as mechanical, electrical, and plumbing move forward on the interior. Tile is being laid on the floors and some of the walls as millwork is installed in the rooms.
Photo:  Sandy Musselman

Pouring the Basement Walls for the Kona Hawaii Temple Addition

Boom pumps are in use at the Kona Hawaii Temple renovation project to pump liquid concrete into the basement wall forms for the underground portion of the addition where the baptismal font will be housed. The temple is being reconstructed with a slightly larger footprint that will add an additional 2,825 square feet. The temple is located on the Big Island of Hawai'i where a new stake was recently organized, headquartered in Puna.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Groundbreaking Held for the Antananarivo Madagascar Temple

Elder Denelson Silva, First Counselor in the Africa South Area Presidency, presided at the groundbreaking ceremony for Antananarivo Madagascar Temple on Saturday, March 15, 2025. He was accompanied by Elder Dwayne J. van Heerden, Area Seventy, and other local leaders and dignitaries. In his site dedicatory prayer, spoken in Malagasy, Elder Silva asked "that not only the workforce, but the neighborhood, this city, this country and all the other cities that will be part of the district of the future Antananarivo Madagascar Temple can also feel that Thy future house will bring more peace, more hope and bring more faith in their lives."
Photo:  Templo de Santiago Oeste Chile Facebook page

Structural Walls Rising for the Santiago West Chile Temple

The reinforced concrete structural walls of the Santiago West Chile Temple continue to rise. Construction of the 12,500-square-foot temple began 7 months ago in the Santiago commune of Maipú. It is the second temple to be constructed in Chile's capital (and largest city) where Church members are organized into 28 stakes. The city was founded in 1541 by Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia.
Photo:  David Carter

Sheathing and Cladding the Knoxville Tennessee Temple

As stone cladding of the Knoxville Tennessee Temple exterior progresses, the middle section of the tower has been sheathed, and a waterproofing barrier is being applied. Construction of this house of the Lord, which began almost 14 months ago, is moving forward at a good pace. The temple will serve Church members living in East Tennessee where a new stake was recently organized, headquartered in Johnson City.
Photo:  Templo de Ribeirão Preto Instagram page

Mezzanine Level Walls in Place for the Ribeirão Preto Brazil Temple

The exterior walls are being set for the mezzanine level of the Ribeirão Preto Brazil Temple, which will be topped with a beautiful windowed tower. Despite the frequent rains, construction is progressing well thanks to the tilt-up method of construction being utilized. The two-story accommodation center will provide patron housing on the first floor and apartments for the temple president and matron and the counselors and assistant matrons on the second floor.
Photo:  Gabriel Ayala Vanegas

Planting the Managua Nicaragua Temple Grounds

The royal palms that flank the entrance plaza to the Managua Nicaragua Temple are a majestic sight under the sunny blue Nicaraguan skies. Beneath the fluttering fronds are numerous plants that are being established in the flowerbeds on the grounds. Exterior cladding covers the body of the temple and has begun on the steeple frame.
Photo:  Modesto California Temple Facebook page

Trees Planted on the Modesto California Temple Grounds

On the grounds of the Modesto California Temple, trees are being planted and mulch is being spread in the parking lot islands. Scaffolding has been erected around the steeple frame ahead of sheathing and cladding while stone panels continue to be hung on the exterior walls. Construction of the 30,000-square-foot temple has been underway for the past 17 months.
Photo:  Robert Parkinson

Teton River Idaho Temple Foundation Progress

On the north side of the Eastern Idaho community of Rexburg, home to Brigham Young University–Idaho, construction continues on the city's second temple. The Teton River Idaho Temple will be a three-story edifice of approximately 100,000 square feet. Most of the basement walls have been installed, and utility lines are being run. The temple is located near the intersection of North 2nd East and Teton River Temple Street.
Photo:  Londrina Brazil Stake

Installing a Sheathing Wrap on the Londrina Brazil Temple

A sheathing wrap is being fastened to the concrete exterior walls of the Londrina Brazil Temple to protect the structure against water intrusion. Located in the state of Paraná in the South Region of Brazil, Londrina (literally "Little London") was named after British entrepreneurs who established railroad transportation in the region. Construction of the temple began nearly 7 months ago.
Photo:  Reeve Nield

First President and Matron of the Harare Zimbabwe Temple Called

Dunstan George Bernard Tiwayi Chadambuka and Pertunia Mudarikwa Chadambuka of the Mutare Zimbabwe Stake have been called as the first president and matron of the Harare Zimbabwe Temple. President Chadambuka is a bishopric counselor and temple worker and a former Area Seventy, mission president, district president, and branch president. Sister Chadambuka is a ward Primary president and temple worker and former mission president companion, district Relief Society president, branch Relief Society president, and branch Young Women president.
San Diego California Temple
45th dedicated temple in operation; closed for renovation; exterior refurbishment completed; interior work and landscaping progressing
Davao Philippines Temple
Exterior lighting operational; interior work and landscaping progressing; temple president and matron called
Alabang Philippines Temple
Major construction nearing completion; construction barrier removed; temple president and matron called
Fort Worth Texas Temple
Exterior cladding and sheathing underway; hardscape being installed; meetinghouse roofed
McKinney Texas Temple
Planning and approval phase; site location announced; exterior rendering released; original plans denied by local government; compromise reached during mediation; plans for smaller design submitted to the Town of Fairview
Natal Brazil Temple
Preparing for groundbreaking ceremony
Budapest Hungary Temple
Preparing for groundbreaking ceremony
Benin City Nigeria Temple
Preparing for groundbreaking ceremony
Lagos Nigeria Temple
Preparing for groundbreaking ceremony
Farmington New Mexico Temple
Preparing for public open house beginning 17 July 2025
Toronto Ontario Temple
44th dedicated temple in operation
Birmingham England Temple
Groundbreaking ceremony held on 22 March 2025; full-scale construction pending
Cleveland Ohio Temple
Exterior cladding completed; installing stained-glass windows
Smithfield Utah Temple
Installing art glass; stone cladding underway; interior work progressing
Davao Philippines Temple
Exterior lighting operational; interior work and landscaping progressing; temple president and matron called
Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Exterior cladding underway; landscaping and interior work progressing
Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple
Building structural walls for steeple pedestal; roofs added to ancillary buildings
Wichita Kansas Temple
Sheathing the exterior; steeple frame in place; windows installed
Yorba Linda California Temple
Planting vegetation on the grounds; installing ornamental fence; cladding the exterior walls; interior work progressing
Kona Hawaii Temple
70th dedicated temple in operation; closed for renovation; forming and pouring the basement walls
Antananarivo Madagascar Temple
Groundbreaking ceremony held on 15 March 2025; full-scale construction pending
Santiago West Chile Temple
Erecting the reinforced concrete structural walls
Knoxville Tennessee Temple
Stone cladding underway; sheathing and weatherproofing the exterior
Ribeirão Preto Brazil Temple
Erecting exterior walls
Managua Nicaragua Temple
Exterior cladding and sheathing underway; landscaping and interior work progressing
Modesto California Temple
Steeple frame installed; stone cladding started
Teton River Idaho Temple
Foundation work and underground utilities underway
Londrina Brazil Temple
Structural framing underway
Harare Zimbabwe Temple
Exterior lighting operational; landscaping and interior work well underway; temple president and matron called