Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Temples Under Construction

There are currently 50 temples that are under construction. Once each temple is completed, it will be opened to the public for an open house before being dedicated for ordinance work.

Preparing for public open house beginning 16 August 2024
Preparing for public open house beginning 22 August 2024
Preparing for public open house beginning 12 September 2024
Preparing for public open house beginning 29 August 2024
Preparing for public open house beginning 22 August 2024
Preparing for public open house beginning 26 September 2024
Preparing for public open house beginning 4 November 2024
Landscaping and interior nearing completion; exterior lighting tests underway; temple president and matron called
Road donated to community of Cocody; temple construction nearing completion; temple president and matron called
Scaffolding removed from steeple; exterior cladding nearing completion; stained-glass windows installed; landscaping and interior work well underway; temple president and matron called
Exterior cladding completed; art glass windows installed; landscaping and interior nearing completion
Exterior cladding completed; art glass windows installed; landscaping and interior nearing completion
Stone cladding completed; scaffolding removed; installing hardscape; interior finish work underway
Installing exterior lighting and more stained glass; interior work and landscaping progressing
Exterior cladding completed; interior work and landscaping progressing
Exterior stone cladding completed; installing stained glass; interior finish work progressing
Installing stained glass; installing property wall; exterior cladding nearing completion; landscaping the grounds
Exterior lighting installed; spire sheathing and finial installed; landscaping and interior work progressing
Exterior cladding underway; installing hardscape elements; glazing windows in ancillary building
Spires installed atop the tower frames; stone cladding underway
East and west cupolas installed; stone cladding underway
Exterior cladding progressing; interior work underway
Stone cladding underway; laying brick for the ancillary building
Steeple cuopla installed; stone cladding underway; interior work progressing
Sheathing and stone cladding underway; work continues on site drainage system; ancillary building roof frame in place with interior work underway
Exterior cladding underway; sheathing the steeple and pedestal; interior work progressing
Spire installed; plastering exterior walls; roof underlayment installed
Temple spire and steeple housing installed; laying roof underlayment; interior work progressing
Stone cladding underway; installing the hardscape
Exterior cladding underway; interior work progressing
Steeple frame erected; exterior cladding underway
Tower roof frame installed; exterior cladding underway
Framing the steeple; stone cladding the exterior walls; underlayment installed for the roof
Constructing the ancillary buildings
Structural framing underway for the temple and ancillary facilities
Building the structural walls
Structural framing underway
Foundation installed
Building the structural walls and installing the roof
Building the concrete structural frame
Structural framing for the temple and ancillary building in place
Building the temple foundation; erecting the structure for the ancillary building
Preparing to pour main floor slab
Installing footings and foundations
Basement walls poured; pouring main level footings
Site grading and excavation underway
Excavation and pile installation underway
Site grading and excavation underway
Construction fence erected; construction trailers and equipment on site
Groundbreaking ceremony held on 8 October 2022; full-scale construction pending