Temples Under Construction
There are currently 54 temples that are under construction. Once each temple is completed, it will be opened to the public for an open house before being dedicated for ordinance work.
Installing benches and carpet; hanging wallpaper; exterior cladding completed; art glass windows installed; landscaping progressing
Exterior stone cladding completed; monument sign installed; interior finish work and landscaping progressing
Stone cladding and hardscaping well underway; installing stained glass; interior work and landscaping progressing
Exterior lighting installed; spire sheathing and finial installed; landscaping and interior work progressing
Steeple frame in place; cladding the exterior walls; laying roof tiles; hanging drywall on the interior; landscaping the grounds
Exterior panel installation underway; installing hardscape elements; glazing windows in ancillary building
Cupola installed atop the spire; stained glass being installed; exterior cladding underway; interior work progressing
Exterior cladding and sheathing underway; hardscape being installed; wood framing for meetinghouse progressing