4 April 2021Groundbreaking and Site Dedication:
29 October 2022 by Valeri V. CordónSite:
10.5 acres | 4.2 hectaresArchitectural Features:
Single attached central spireOrdinance Rooms:
Two instruction rooms, two sealing rooms, and one baptistryTotal Floor Area:
30,000 square feet | 2,787 square metersHeight:
120 feet | 36.6 metersElevation:
429 feet | 131 metersGroundbreaking Ceremony
Elder Valeri V. Cordón, first counselor in the North America West Area presidency, presided at the groundbreaking for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple on Saturday, October 29, 2022. The 30,000-square-foot temple will be constructed on a 10.5-acre site at the intersection of International Boulevard and Corporate Way in Springfield. Construction is scheduled to begin on Monday, October 31, and is anticipated to last two to three years. In his dedicatory prayer, Elder Cordón said: "We pray that the temple will be a beacon of hope and peace that inspires this community to come unto Christ even in its construction phase."1
Temple Rendering
On September 2, 2021, the official rendering of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple was publicly released.
Temple Site
On September 2, 2021, the location of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple was announced. The temple will be constructed on a 10.5-acre site located at the intersection of International Boulevard and Corporate Way in Springfield, Oregon, a suburb of Eugene, near the wooded hills bordering the McKenzie River.
Temple Announcement
On April 4, 2021, President Russell M. Nelson announced plans to construct the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple at the 191st Annual General Conference. Oregon, a state in the western United States, is home to nearly 154,000 members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Latter-day Saint settlement largely began with the arrival of Latter-day Saint businessmen in 1887. They built a lumber mill on North Powder River and persuaded several hundred Latter-day Saint families to migrate to Oregon. Today, there are approximately 300 congregations across the state. The Willamette Valley Oregon Temple will be the third in the state, with other temples in Portland and Medford.2
- "Ground Broken for Willamette Valley Oregon Temple," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 31 Oct. 2022.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, "At April 2021 Conference, Prophet Announces 20 More Temples to Be Constructed," 4 Apr. 2021.