Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple

Presidents and Matrons

Temple presidents and matrons are called to oversee all activities performed at the temple. They serve voluntarily, usually for a period of several years. Following is a list of the current and former presidents and matrons of the Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple.

Temple President Temple Matron Years Served
Francisco José Tejada Maria Adelaida Andrea Antonia Pichardo Reynosa de Tejada 2025–2025
Leonardo Caonabo Dominguez Joa Ana Lucia Melo Suero de Dominguez 2022–2025
Miguel Alfredo Lee Bruno Angélica Enedina Rufino Gómez Lee 2019–2022
John Edwin Rappleye Nancy Lee Humpherys Rappleye 2016–2019
Garry Russell Flake Janet Hamilton Flake 2013–2016
Larry Keith Bair JoAnn Woodruff Bair 2010–2013
Donald Gordon Harris Diane Campbell Harris 2007–2010
Edward Harry Petersen Mary JoAnn Arnold Petersen 2004–2007
Arthur Ferrell Coombs Jr. Mignon Petersen Coombs 2000–2004