Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple

Presidents and Matrons

Temple presidents and matrons are called to oversee all activities performed at the temple. They serve voluntarily, usually for a period of several years. Following is a list of the current and former presidents and matrons of the Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple.

Temple President Temple Matron Years Served
Amilcar Raul Robles Arango Sandra Lisbet Fuentes Meza de Robles 2025–2025
Ysrael Escobar López Marta Isabel Sánchez Sajquim de Escobar 2022–2025
Gonzalo Eduardo García-Salas Gálvez Sonia Elizabeth Bonilla de García-Salas 2019–2022
Reginaldo Manuel Bustillo Perla Liliam Rosario Améndola Antúnez de Bustillo 2017–2019
José María Gálvez Enohe Orellana Casasola de Gálvez 2014–2017
Eriberto Israel Pérez Citalán Pilar Ulin López de Pérez 2011–2014