Nairobi Kenya Temple
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Open House and Dedication Announced for the Nairobi Kenya Temple
The open house and dedication dates for the Nairobi Kenya Temple have been announced. The open house will begin with a media day on Monday, April 14, 2025, followed by two days of tours for invited guests. The public is invited to tour the temple from Thursday, April 17, through Saturday, May 3, excluding Sundays. The temple will be dedicated by Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on Sunday, May 18, 2025. The dedicatory session will be broadcast to all units in the temple district.
Christus Statue Installed on the Nairobi Kenya Temple Grounds
A reproduction of Bertel Thorvaldsen's beautiful Christus statue has been installed on the grounds of the Nairobi Kenya Temple in front of a semicircular hedge located in the courtyard of the ancillary building. Major construction has wrapped up at the temple complex, and members are looking forward to an announcement of the open house and dedication dates. The temple is the first to be constructed in East Africa.
First Temple President and Matron of the Nairobi Kenya Temple Called
Dominic Chelang-at Kogo and Alice Chemutai Masai Kogo of the Langas 1st Branch in the Eldoret Kenya District have been called as president and matron of the Nairobi Kenya Temple. President Kogo is a branch president and former mission presidency counselor, district president, and branch president. He was born in Kitale, Kenya. Sister Kogo is a branch Primary presidency counselor and former branch Relief Society president. She was also born in Kitale, Kenya.
Exterior Floodlighting of the Nairobi Kenya Temple Operational
The floodlighting system for the Nairobi Kenya Temple is operational, creating a beacon of light in this metropolitan area of over 5 million children of God. Near the end of His ministry, Jesus Christ taught: "Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light."
Securing the Nairobi Kenya Temple Site
Along the top of the ornamental fence around the Nairobi Kenya Temple site is a large section of electric fencing, which is a common sight in the country, that will provide additional security for temple patrons and property. Construction of the temple and ancillary building, which has been underway for just over three years, is nearing completion. It will be the first temple dedicated in East Africa. At general conference, a temple was announced for the neighborhood country of Uganda.
Monument Sign Installed for the Nairobi Kenya Temple
A monument sign for the Nairobi Kenya Temple has been installed on the property wall, stating the names of the Church and the temple. East Africa's first temple was announced in April 2017, and construction began three years ago in September 2021. Both the temple and ancillary building are nearing completion. The temple is anticipated to serve members from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan.
Scaffolding Removed from the Nairobi Kenya Temple Steeple
Scaffolding has been removed from the Nairobi Kenya Temple steeple, as construction at the temple complex advances closer to completion. The soft elements of the landscaping are being established on the grounds and in the park strips outside of the ornamental fencing. There are three stakes in the city of Nairobi and six districts in other locations in the country.
Construction Barrier Removed from the Nairobi Kenya Temple Site
Permanent fencing is in place for the Nairobi Kenya Temple site, allowing the construction barrier to come down and providing beautiful views of this East African house of the Lord. The brilliant white exterior is nearly complete, and much of the landscaping has been established. The temple was constructed on the site of the Mountain View Ward meetinghouse, which was razed to make way for the temple and its supporting facilities.
Hardscaping the Nairobi Kenya Temple Grounds
A satellite image taken last month of the Nairobi Kenya Temple grounds shows the progress being made on the hardscape. The temple stands on the west side of the property and the ancillary building on the east. The two facilities each have entrance plazas that will be connected by walkways and a central landscape feature. Solar panels are mounted on the east roof of the ancillary building.
Elder Stevenson Visits with the Media in Nairobi, Kenya
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles appeared on NTV Kenya today as part of a nine-day ministry visit to Africa. He was accompanied by Elder Ian S. Ardern, president of the Africa Central Area, and President Denis M. Mukasa, president of the Nairobi Kenya East Stake. Among the topics discussed was the Nairobi Kenya Temple. Construction of the temple is ongoing and is expected to be completed within the next two years.
Cladding of the Nairobi Kenya Temple Nearing Completion
The exterior cladding of the Nairobi Kenya Temple is nearing completion. Scaffolding remains around the steeple where glass has been installed in the window openings, but cladding has not yet started. Construction on the project began almost two-and-a-half years ago in September 2021. The temple is the first to be constructed in East Africa.
Evening View of the Nairobi Kenya Temple Site
Nighttime security lights shine on the Nairobi Kenya Temple and ancillary facilities where construction is progressing steadily. Cladding has been affixed to many of the exterior surfaces of the temple, and window frames have been installed in the steeple. Shingles have been laid on the roof of the multipurpose facility, and solar panels have been installed. Construction has been underway for approximately two years.
Facebook Live at the Nairobi Kenya Temple
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was interviewed today in front of the Nairobi Kenya Temple in a Facebook Live on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Africa Central Area page. He was accompanied by his wife, Melanie; Elder Brent H. Nielson of the Presidency of the Seventy and his wife, Marcia; and Elder Paul B. Pieper, the newly called second counselor in the Africa Central Area presidency, and his wife, Melissa.
Nairobi Kenya Temple Will Bless the Saints of East Africa
Crews continue to build the Nairobi Kenya Temple and it accompanying facilities, though not much can be seen over the construction barrier that surrounds the property. The steeple remains the same since the spire was installed eight months ago, and construction is anticipated to continue for a couple of more years. The temple will bring the blessings of the House of the Lord to East Africa. Kenyan members currently fly 1,818 miles (2,925 km) to Johannesburg, South Africa or 2,600 miles (4,184 km) to Accra, Ghana.
Nairobi Kenya Temple Construction Signage
Construction signage at the Nairobi Kenya Temple provides details on the companies and organizations involved in the project including the developer, architects, surveyors, engineers, and subcontractors. Scaffolding surrounds the steeple frame, which has yet to be sheathed and clad. The temple and an adjoining multipurpose facility have been under construction for the last 18 months.
Spire Installed on the Nairobi Kenya Temple
The slender white spire on the Nairobi Kenya Temple has been hoisted into place and attached to the top of the steeple frame. The temple and a large, multistory ancillary building have been under construction for over 13 months. There are four other temples under construction in Africa in the nations of Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ten more African temples are in the planning stages.
Framing the Steeple for the Nairobi Kenya Temple
A group of white steel trusses have been secured to the roof of the Nairobi Kenya Temple to form the frame for the steeple over the main entrance. The temple sits where the former meetinghouse stood on the west end of the property, facing east toward the ancillary buildings. Pitched roof trusses have been installed over the ancillary buildings. They will provide housing and services to support the operation of the temple.
Elder Rasbands Visits the Nairobi Kenya Temple Site
At the conclusion of a ten-day visit to three countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles toured the construction site of the Nairobi Kenya Temple. Addressing the media, he said: "I speak as an Apostle of Jesus Christ. I know that God loves the people of Kenya. We as a Church are grateful to have freedom of religion here. May God bless this wonderful country of Kenya and all its wonderful citizens." Breeze blocks for the housing facility are currently being explored and assessed for strength, precision, finish, and color. They will be used to create cool sheltered corridors around a central courtyard. Construction is expected to be completed by 2025.
Construction Moving Rapidly at the Nairobi Kenya Temple Site
A view of the east end of the Nairobi Kenya Temple site shows the impressive progress that has been made on ancillary structures over the past six to seven months of construction. Floor slabs and foundation walls have been installed, and work on superstructure support is moving forward. The temple complex is located in the Mountain View neighborhood of Nairobi. Church news releases have not specified the buildings that will accompany the temple.
Ground Is Broken for the Nairobi Kenya Temple
Ground was broken on East Africa's first temple today at the Mountain View chapel in Nairobi, Kenya, under the direction of Elder Joseph W. Sitati, president of the Africa Central Area. Speaking of the effect of the temple on the rising generation, Elder Sitati said: "This is the place they will get married; this is the place where they will make eternal covenants that will bless them for all eternity." The Nairobi Kenya Temple was "wholly welcomed" by the Right Honorable Raila Odinga, former Prime Minister of Kenya, who had a message read at the service. Among his words, he said: "At a very difficult time, members of the Church have been at the forefront, giving us reason to hope."
Nairobi Kenya Temple Groundbreaking to Be Held in September
On September 11, 2021, the groundbreaking ceremony will be held for the Nairobi Kenya Temple. Elder Joseph W. Sitati, Africa Central Area president, will preside at the event. The location of the temple will be released later. There are currently two stakes and six districts organized in the country of Kenya with both stakes headquartered in the capital city of Nairobi. Plans to construct the temple were announced in the April 2017 General Conference.