Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

News Stories

Photo:  Mark T. Williams

Open House and Dedication Announced for the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

A public open house for the newly constructed Deseret Peak Utah Temple has been announced for Thursday, September 26, through Saturday, October 19, 2024, excluding Sundays and Saturday, October 5, for general conference. A media day will be held on Monday, September 23, followed by two days of tours for invited guests. The temple will be dedicated on Sunday, November 10, 2024. The dedicatory sessions will be broadcast to all units in the temple district.
Photo:  Wes Cindy Collins

Flowers Planted on the Grounds of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Numerous flowers have been planted on the grounds of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple as landscaping efforts are finalized. The beautiful house of the Lord, located in the Tooele Valley, is anticipated to be the 23rd dedicated temple in the state. Construction began just over three years ago, and members are looking forward to an announcement of the open house and dedication dates. It shares a core plan with the recently dedicated Orem Utah Temple and Taylorsville Utah Temple.
Photo:  Frank Lewis

Furnishing the Interior of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Recent deliveries of furniture and artwork have been made to the Deseret Peak Utah Temple, as construction on the project draws closer to completion. Construction began nearly three years ago when Elder Brook P. Hales of the Quorum of the Seventy presided at the groundbreaking. In his site dedicatory prayer, he said: "Please bless all that will live in this temple district that they will feel the godly power of this sacred edifice."
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Handsome Front Portico of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

The temporary chain-link fence along the front side of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple site has been moved back, providing better views of the beautiful building including the main entrance portico. The portico features three arched openings that mirror the art glass doors and windows behind them. Handrails have been installed along the ramps and staircases. More plantings in the flowerbeds are expected in the spring.
Photo:  Henry Diaz

Deseret Peak Utah Temple All Aglow in the Tooele Valley

The Deseret Peak Utah Temple stands as a beautiful beacon in Utah's Tooele Valley, situated west of the Salt Lake Valley and south of the Great Salt Lake. The temple is in the final stages of construction, which has been underway for the past 32 months. The final elements of the hardscape are being installed including the ornamental fencing, concrete structures and surfaces, and gathering plazas.
Photo:  Mark Williams

Deseret Peak Utah Temple Art Glass Windows

The blossoms of plants that grow in the Tooele Valley, like cliffrose and silver-stem lupine, are featured in the beautiful art glass of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple and can also be found in details throughout the interior and exterior of the building. The grounds of the temple are nearing completion where planters are being clad and new lamp posts, benches, and bollards have been installed. Handrails will soon be in place, and the remaining picket panels for the fence await installation. The front and rear doors have been uncovered and are looking beautiful.
Photo:  Henry Diaz

Lighting Added to the Dome of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Nighttime lighting of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple now illuminates the entire building, including its distinctive copper-colored dome. The three-story temple, located in Tooele, has been under construction for about two-and-a-half years. The temple shares a core plan with two other temples in Utah: the soon-to-be-dedicated Orem Utah Temple and the nearly completed Taylorsville Utah Temple.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Main Floor Lighting Operating at the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Exterior floodlighting of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple has made progress with most of the main floor lighting now operational. Tests for the upper lighting began at the end of September, and members are happy to see the lower lights. The hymn Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy reminds us to "Let the lower lights be burning; send a gleam across the wave. Some poor fainting, struggling seaman. You may rescue, you may save."
Photo:  Kelli Huffman Unrein

Exterior Lighting Tests Begin for the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Temple enthusiasts in the Tooele Valley were thrilled to see the first exterior lighting tests of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple last night. Fixtures were installed on each level of the roof to light the upper walls and steeple. Landscaping of the inner grounds is moving forward with the hardscape well underway and the first trees planted.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Overhead View of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple Site

An overhead view of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple site shows the progress being made on planting trees and shrubs in the street medians, the roundabout, the parking lot islands, and the grounds outside the walkway surrounding the temple. Inside the walkway, concrete has been poured for the east plaza and pavers are being laid in the west plaza. Preparations are underway for concrete pours on the north and south sides.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Sod Laid on the Deseret Peak Utah Temple Grounds

The grounds of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple are greening up with the recent addition of grass sod on the east and west sides of the property. The beautiful west plaza is taking shape at the rear of the temple where couples who have been sealed can be received by guests. An arbor stands at the entrance to the west lawn, which could be used for picture taking. Fence posts are being installed around the formal grounds, and stone cladding of the temple has been completed.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Deseret Peak Utah Temple Monument Sign in Place

The inscribed panel and stone cladding for the monument sign of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple have been installed on the concrete base. Cladding of the temple exterior has reached the top of the steeple, but a section of the upper walls—that was intentionally left undone—will be completed later. A moving platform remains around the steeple for the crew members who will be applying the mortar and sealant. Fence installation and landscaping are progressing.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Trees Delivered to the Deseret Peak Utah Temple Site

Dozens of trees have been staged north of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple site in preparation for soft landscaping of the grounds. A new roundabout has been paved at the intersection east of the temple, and 2400 N has been modified to feature a landscaped median with tree-lined park strips on each side. The exteriors of the temple, meetinghouse, and maintenance building are nearing completion.
Photo:  David Manzione

Northern Lights Over the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

In a rare appearance for the Beehive State, the northern lights visited parts of northern Utah on Sunday including the Tooele Valley. Gorgeous pictures of the dazzling phenomenon lit up social media including pictures of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple. The northern lights, or aurora borealis, can occur when the sun emits a coronal mass ejection.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Preparing to Clad the East Portico of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Steel brackets are being secured to the east portico of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple in preparation for stone cladding. The steeple pedestal and the upper walls have been completed except for the southwest corner where two large openings are being used to pass materials and equipment to the second and third floors. Once they are no longer needed, the openings will be framed and sheathed, allowing that corner to be clad. Work will soon begin on the steeple body.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Cladding the Steeple Pedestal of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Stone cladding of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple has reached the level of the steeple pedestal, which was designed with a grouping of three stone arches at the center of each side. Areas remaining to be clad include the body of the steeple, the front portico, the face of the rear portico, and a portion of upper-story walls. Concrete planters for the west plaza have been uncovered on the grounds.
Photo:  Mark Thomas Williams

Video of Finial Installation on the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Yesterday following the installation of the steeple dome on the Deseret Peak Utah Temple, the finial was also hoisted into place. A video of the event was captured and shared on social media. It represents an exciting milestone in the construction of the building. The fully assembled dome will be a distinguishing feature of the temple.
Photo:  John Simmons

Copper Dome Installed on the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

A shiny copper-colored dome has been installed atop the steeple of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple. The pieces were delivered last weekend and assembled on site before being lifted into place today. Earlier attempts to install the dome were thwarted by poor weather conditions. A finial will yet be attached to the dome to bring the temple to its full height. The temple will serve Church members living the Tooele Valley.
Photo:  Mark Williams

Cupola Delivered to the Deseret Peak Utah Temple Site

Sitting in a staging area next to the Deseret Peak Utah Temple is an exciting recent arrival—the bell-shaped cupola for the top of the steeple. On the upper walls of the temple, stone cladding has been completed on three of the four sides. Window frames and glass have been inserted into all of the window openings including the steeple. The temple is one of eleven under construction in the state of Utah.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Belt Course Installed at the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Stone installers have made considerable progress on the upper walls of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple including installation of an ornamental belt course just below the parapet. The beautifully carved cream-colored stone features representations of the cliffrose and silvery lupine flowers. The on-site maintenance building has been framed and sheathed, and rough plumbing runs have been made in the meetinghouse.
Photo:  Jason Ramsay

Cladding the Upper Walls of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

While stone cladding moves up the second and third floor exterior walls of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple (in Tooele), crews are using the scaffolds around the steeple frame to attach sheathing panels. Framing is progressing quickly on the meetinghouse to the north, and curbing has been poured on the east to create a semicircular pull-out for motorists dropping off patrons.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Framing and Paving at the Deseret Peak Utah Temple Site

At the north end of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple site in the Tooele Valley, framers have begun to build the wooden wall frames for the meetinghouse while pavers are laying asphalt for the north parking lot. Cladding of the ground floor of the temple is nearly finished except for the front and rear porticos, and sheathing of the steeple continues. Improvements are underway to the streets and intersection to the east.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Footings and Curbing at the Deseret Peak Utah Temple Site

An overhead view of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple site shows the concrete structures being formed on the north side including the meetinghouse and maintenance building footings and the curbing for the north parking lot. Plumbing is underway for both buildings before the floor slabs are poured. A rough outline can be seen of the curved road that will run behind the temple site.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Installing Glass Windows in the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

Sheathing boards on the upper floors of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple have been coated with a sealer, and glass windows are being placed in the arched openings. On the ground floor, installation of the beautiful stone cladding continues. The stone is being laid in a running bond pattern with prominent moldings incorporated around the windows and into the two-tiered cornice. Sheathing of the steeple frame has not yet begun.
Photo:  Brad Bullough

Upper Walls of Deseret Peak Utah Temple Sheathed

Sheathing of the upper walls of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple has been completed. On the main floor, a dark sealer has been applied to the sheathing, and work continues on fastening hanging brackets and attaching stone cladding. Construction has been underway for about 13½ months. The temple is being constructed in Tooele, which was first incorporated in 1853, a few years after the pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley.
Photo:  Brad Bullough

Gorgeous Sunset at the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

The setting sun shone through the steel frame of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple on Sunday in an awe-inspiring moment at the construction site. Stone cladding began at the southeast corner of the main floor and is moving across the east face of the building. The upper walls are in various stages of framing and sheathing. The temple will serve members in Utah's beautiful Tooele Valley.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Stone Cladding on the Deseret Peak Utah Temple Unveiled

Scaffolding has been removed from the southeast corner of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple where a section of beautiful stone cladding has been installed. Hanging brackets are seen on either side of the stone, which are bolted on top of the sheathing after it is has been sealed. On the upper floors of the temple, the work of framing and sheathing continues. The parking areas have been blocked off as crews prepare for pavement.
Photo:  Bob Done

Sealer Coat Applied to the Deseret Peak Utah Temple Sheathing

The ground floor exterior walls of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple have been sheathed, and a dark blue sealer coat applied. Hanging brackets for the cladding are being attached at the southeast corner, and glass has been installed in the window openings. Light framing continues on the second and third floor exterior walls as well as on the interior.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Framing and Sheathing the Walls of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

On the main floor of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple, framing for the exterior walls has been completed and sheathing is well underway including the application of a sealer. The concrete base for the baptismal font has been poured and cured, and a cooling tower has been installed in the mechanical enclosure. The roof over the main level is being sealed, and the third floor roof has been poured.
Photo:  Jaren Bracken

Framing the Baptismal Font for the Deseret Peak Utah Temple

A tidy mesh of steel bar surrounds the frame for the baptismal font in the Deseret Peak Utah Temple. Reinforced concrete will be used to support the weight of the font and the floor around it. Light framing, sheathing, and sealing continues on the ground floor while tenting has been added to help enclose the second floor. Additional concrete pours will be carried out over the next several weeks.