Toronto Ontario Temple
Dedicatory Prayers
Dedicated 25–27 August 1990
by Gordon B. Hinckley
O God, our Eternal Father, thou great Elohim, we come unto thee in solemn prayer in the name of thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.Cleanse us from sin, we ask thee, that on this sacred day of dedication, we may bow before thee in holiness, with love for thee and thy divine Son. Smile with favor upon us and give us strength to shun evil and walk without shame in the sunlight of eternal truth.
We thank thee for this day when we dedicate thy holy house. Its construction has been made possible by the consecrations of thy faithful saints. Bless them, Father, and open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon them, both spiritual and temporal.
We thank thee, Father, for this good land, where stands thy house—this great nation of Canada whose people enjoy the blessings of liberty and peace, with full freedom to worship thee according to thy revealed pattern. We are mindful that the Prophet Joseph Smith walked in this area and bore testimony of the gifts, the knowledge, and the authority received from thee in opening this, the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.
This nation has become a gathering place for people from scores of other lands. In their veins flows the blood of Israel. Many have hearkened to the testimony of thy servants and have been favored with a knowledge of the principles and ordinances of thine everlasting gospel. May their numbers increase and may thy holy work grow in strength here and across the world.
In this thy house will be administered those ordinances which are eternal, even as thou, our God, art eternal. These ordinances bear witness of the immortality of the human soul. Through them we are made certain that life continues beyond the veil of death. Within this sacred house a great and marvelous work of vicarious service will be performed in behalf of the dead.
Dear Father, we marvel at thy wondrous plan for the blessing of thy sons and daughters of all generations. We bow in reverent gratitude for the redemption wrought by the Lamb of God who offered Himself a sacrifice for the sins of all men.
Now, as thy servants, acting in the authority of that divine priesthood which comes from thee, and in the name of Jesus Christ thy Beloved Son, we dedicate this the Toronto Ontario Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We dedicate it as thine abode and the abode of thy Son, and pray that thou wilt honor it with thy presence and the continuing influence of thy Holy Spirit.
We dedicate the ground on which it stands, with the grass, the flowers, the shrubs, the trees which enhance the beauty of thy house.
We dedicate the structure from the footings to the figure of the Angel Moroni which crowns its steeple. We dedicate the baptismal font to be used in vicariously baptizing those who have passed beyond without the blessing of this required ordinance as it is properly administered.
We dedicate the rooms where other ordinances will be administered, including those in which thy worthy saints will be endowed and given understanding of man''s eternal journey and of the reality of life in thy celestial kingdom.
We dedicate the sealing rooms with their sacred altars where "the fulness of the priesthood" will be exercised to bind in the heavens that which is bound upon the earth.
We dedicate all of the fixtures and appurtenances, and the ancillary structures associated with this thy house.
May this holy temple be preserved by thy powerful hand from the destructive forces of nature, and, more importantly, from any defiling act or presence on the part of those who are enemies to thy work. Frustrate by thy mighty power the evil designs of those who seek to injure thy cause and thy people.
May all who enter here be pure in heart and consecrated in purpose. May they here partake of thy Holy Spirit and carry that influence into their homes and reflect it in their lives.
As thine assembled saints we remember before thee thine appointed prophet of this day, even President Ezra Taft Benson. We miss him on this sacred occasion. In his advanced age we pray that thou wilt give him gladness in his heart, comfort in his body, and the assurance of our love. Bless those associated with him in the governance of thy work, and bless thy faithful people throughout the earth. May love and peace be found in their homes. Bless their daily labors that their temporal needs may be met and that they shall not be found in want.
Bless husbands and wives that they may be undeviating in their love and loyalty one to another, bringing up their children in light and truth.
Shield the youth from the wiles and snares of the adversary, and touch their minds with a desire for knowledge both secular and divine.
Confirm thy Church as the guardian and teacher of eternal truth. Strengthen her stakes and enlarge her borders, and arouse thy people to an understanding of the covenants which they make with thee in thy holy temples.
Rebuke those who violate the peace of the people and hasten the day when men everywhere, "shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks: [when nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more" (Isa. 2:4).
Now, our Beloved Father in Heaven, on this day of dedication, and in this solemn assembly in thy sacred house, we pledge to thee our love, our strength, our means, our faith, and bear witness to the world that thou art our living God, the God of all the universe, the extent of whose kingdom no man knoweth; and that thine Only Begotten Son is the Savior of mankind, the Spotless Lamb who was sacrificed for the sins of the world, the Holy One of Israel, "the only name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).
With unmeasured love we thus testify and offer our prayer of dedication unto thee in His holy name, even the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.