Mesa Arizona Temple
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- November 26, 2024 – Mesa Temple Christmas lights 2024: How to see the huge display
- November 15, 2024 – Annual Mesa Temple Christmas Lights run Nov. 29 through Dec. 30
- March 26, 2024 – Jesus Christ Is ‘Deserving of Greater Attention,’ Says President Oaks at Mesa Easter Pageant Devotional
News Stories
Easter Pageant Stage Is Set on the Mesa Arizona Temple Grounds
Preparations are already well underway on the grounds of the Mesa Arizona Temple for the grand return of the annual Easter Pageant. During the recent renovation of the temple, the north lawn was specifically configured for the pageant including a platform for the stage and a vast grassy area for the 9,000+ chairs. The Jesus the Christ pageant will be presented on nine evenings from April 6-9 and April 12-16 at 8:00 p.m. No tickets or reservations are needed for the free event. Visit the Mesa Temple Events website for more information.
President Oaks Rededicates the Mesa Arizona Temple
The Mesa Arizona Temple was rededicated today by President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency following three and a half years of extensive renovations that overhauled the vast grounds and restored the interior to its historical character including restoration and augmentation of murals and paint colors. "We were astonished, impressed, gratified with what has been done to hold with the pioneer ancestry of this traditional great temple and House of the Lord to bring it into current technology and needs and configuration of rooms, all of which is essential for it to perform its service for decades to come," said President Oaks. About 2,400 people attended each of the three rededicatory sessions. The temple was originally dedicated in 1927 by President Heber J. Grant and was rededicated in 1975 by President Spencer W. Kimball.
Tours of the Historic Mesa Arizona Temple Begin
Tours of the interior of the renovated Mesa Arizona Temple begin this week. The historic building was originally dedicated in 1927 and was closed for renovation on May 19, 2018—the second major refurbishment in its 94-year history. "The Lord will be very pleased [with this remodel]," said Bishop W. Christopher Waddell of the Presiding Bishopric. "It’s clear that everyone that worked on it was blessed. It’s not easy to modernize a building that’s almost 100 years old." Public tours begin this Saturday, October 16, and continue through Saturday, November 20, 2021, with no tours held on Sundays. Reserve your free open house tickets at
Downtown Mesa Redevelopment Project Completed by the Church
A three-year revitalization project of downtown Mesa has been completed by the Church, resulting in a new mixed-use community located across from the Mesa Arizona Temple called The Grove on Main. The project includes 240 apartments, 12 townhomes, 70,000 square feet of landscaped open space, ground floor retail space and underground parking. The driving force behind the project was to protect and enhance the environment around the temple grounds. "Because we have a significant footprint here in Mesa with the members of the Church and the temple, we felt that we needed to do our part," said Bishop W. Christopher Waddell.
New Visitors' Center Dedicated in Mesa
Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated a new visitors' center at the Mesa Arizona Temple on Thursday, August 12, 2021. "We hope that every person who comes and sees will understand that our life has a purpose and come away hoping to fulfill his or her purpose," said Elder Soares. The innovative facility offers something for everyone. You can immerse yourself in Mesa's history, view a scale model of the temple, discover your family history, play or draw in the children's areas, or share thoughts and ask questions. The center is located on the southwest corner of LeSueur and Main Street across from the temple pageant grounds. The original visitors’ center was dedicated in 1951. It was replaced with a larger building north of the temple in 1958 and later expanded. The facility was demolished as part of the temple renovation, providing a clear views of the temple from Main Street and ample space for the annual Easter Pageant grounds. The visitors' center is free and open to the public, including English and Spanish speakers, daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Open House Tickets Available for the Mesa Arizona Temple
Open house ticket reservations became available this week for the beautifully renovated Mesa Arizona Temple. The five-week open house is offered for free to the general public, including children, from Saturday, October 16, through Saturday, November 20, 2021. (Tours will not be held on Sundays.) The temple will be rededicated by President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency in three sessions on Sunday, December 12, 2021.
Rededication Details Announced for the Mesa Arizona Temple
The rededication of the Mesa Arizona Temple will be held in three sessions on Sunday, December 12, 2021. President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency will preside. The general public is invited to tour the interior of the temple during an open house held from Saturday, October 16 through Saturday, November 20, except for Sundays, including October 17, 24, and 31, and November 7 and 14. A youth devotional will be held the evening before the rededication. Both the devotional and the rededicatory sessions will be broadcast to meetinghouses in the temple district. The relocated Mesa Arizona Temple Visitors’ Center will be dedicated in a statewide broadcast on August 12.
Official Photographs Taken of the Mesa Arizona Temple
The renovated Mesa Arizona Temple is all but finished, and the official photographs have been taken—inside and out—for use in the open house news release, visitors' center, and other Church publications. The Family Discovery Center is also nearing completion where the new visitors' center is housed, featuring a beautiful cutaway model of the temple. The grounds remain closed, but a walk around the perimeter of the property offers breathtaking views of the lush landscaping and the historic temple. No information is available on when the open house and dedication may be held.
Stunning Sunset at the Mesa Arizona Temple
Pink and purple clouds fill the sky over the Mesa Arizona Temple as the sun sets on another day of renovation. The grounds grow more beautiful with the planting of petite trees, shrubs, and colorful flowers in the vacant spaces in the planters along the temple walls. Finish work continues inside the temple including the installation of stone moldings. The Family Discovery Center, Deseret Book building, and residential units across the street are entering the final stages of construction with product being shelved and residences moving in.
New Year's Eve Video of the Mesa Arizona Temple
Strap on your seat belt and take a flight over the gorgeous green grounds of the Mesa Arizona Temple captured on the last day of the year. A wide variety of plants and trees decorate the temple block including a small grove of orange trees on the east side. The renovation is in the final stages both inside and out, though it is unknown when an open house and rededication might be held.
Reflecting on the Mesa Arizona Temple Renovation
The nearly completed main entrance to the Mesa Arizona Temple reflects in the still waters of the west reflection pool. The Holiness to the Lord inscription has recently been completed in the terra cotta panels above the moldings that sit atop the columns. Inside, finish work continues with the installation of light fixtures and countertops. The transformation of the grounds has been making big strides with the recent addition of sod on the north and east sides of the temple. The west side will be completed shortly. The exterior of the Discovery Center across the street is nearing completion.
New Video Posted of the Mesa Arizona Temple North Lawn
Revisit the renovation of the Mesa Arizona Temple in a new video featuring snippets from July 2018 through November 2020 including the arrival of green grass for the north lawn. The exhilarating footage zooms across the temple grounds set to dramatic, upbeat accompaniment. The video captures an overhead view of the street leading to the main temple entrance, 1st Avenue, which has been converted into a tree-lined boulevard.
Sod Laid at the Mesa Arizona Temple Grounds
The once-dirt north lawn of the Mesa Arizona Temple has now been covered in strips of rich green grass. During the annual Easter Pageant, the lawn will be filled with chairs for the audience. Numerous flowers have been planted on the east side of the temple in the garden spaces where the palm trees stand. The renovation is expected to be completed early next year, but it is unknown when an open house may be held.
Exterior Lighting Returns to the Mesa Arizona Temple
Nighttime lighting of the Mesa Arizona Temple, which has been extinguished for the past two and half years, came back last week to the delight of numerous Mesa residents. The precisely placed lighting combined with Arizona's stunning desert sunsets keeps the temple among the most photogenic. Watch a 30-second time-lapse video to see an overview of the progress on the temple grounds.
A Bird's-Eye View of the Mesa Arizona Temple Grounds
Watch the latest video update on the Mesa Arizona Temple to see the current state of the temple exterior and landscaping. The grounds are growing greener, and with flower-planting sessions planned for the weekends in November and December, it will grow more colorful as well. A sizable amount work of remains on the interior of the temple and on the Discovery Center across the street where the new visitors' center is located. Given the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, no open house and dedication dates have been announced for any temple including Mesa.
Flower-Planting Saturdays Planned for the Mesa Arizona Temple
The landscapers at the Mesa Arizona Temple are organizing massive flower-planting sessions on several Saturdays in November and December, making an open call to anyone interested in being a temporary paid worker on the temple grounds who meet the qualifications. More trees have been planted in close proximity to the temple and along 1st Avenue, creating a tree-lined boulevard that leads to the temple. Crates of tile and other materials for the interior finish work have recently arrived, supporting the workers who are carrying out the interior renovation.
Improvements Made to the East Plaza at the Mesa Arizona Temple
See the latest progress at the Mesa Arizona Temple including the nearly completed west entrance; the beautiful east plaza—created especially for bridal parties—with its square-in-square gathering plazas, fashioned with stone benches and lion-head fountains; the north pageant lawn, bordered in soft green foliage; and the deep, slender planter boxes along Main Street. Seating is found all over the grounds for visitors and patrons who want to linger near the temple under the sunny Arizona skies.
Gorgeous Sunrise at the Mesa Arizona Temple
The morning sun rises over the Mesa Arizona Temple, filling the sky with brilliant hues of orange, violet, and blue. Tarps are draped over the main entrance where finish work continues on the terra cotta structure. Ground cover plants are bringing more green to the magnificent grounds, and work is underway on dumpster enclosures that will shield containers from view. The surrounding neighbor is likewise being refreshed with updated streets, sidewalks, and new buildings including the Discovery Center that will house a new visitors' center.
Main Street Makeover in Mesa, Arizona
The renovation of the Mesa Arizona Temple grounds is also a stunning upgrade for Downtown Mesa's Main Street. Where there was once a simple sidewalk, grass lawn, and visitors' center that obstructed a view of the temple; there is a now a wide paver-style sidewalk bordered by elongated stone planter boxes with ornate accents and a backdrop of a double row of palm trees. An opening in the trees provides a direct view of the temple and a staircase welcomes visitors to roam the immaculate setting. The July drone video showcases the latest additions and includes some close-ups of the historic friezes.
Mesa Arizona Temple Monument Sign Installed
A handsome monument sign has been installed on the Mesa Arizona Temple grounds along Lesueur, directly across from the west reflection pool and main entrance to the building. The property continues to be filled with plants and shrubs while lamp posts are installed. Stone benches and decorative planters are among the stunning accents that have been set in place. The rebuilt entrance is being clad in terra cotta tiles.
Greening Up the Mesa Arizona Temple Grounds
Swaths of green beautifully contrast against the desert soil surrounding the Mesa Arizona Temple where a multitude of plant-bearing pallets have been delivered to the north lawn for incorporation into the stunning landscaping. Concrete forms have been set for a new landscape structure near the north side of the temple. On the opposite side, improvements have been made to the grounds building including new siding and insulation. Roads continue to be paved and sidewalks poured. Watch the most recent video update for an exciting flight over the grounds.
Cactus Gardens at the Mesa Arizona Temple Grounds
Landscape rocks have been placed in one of the new cactus gardens at the Mesa Arizona Temple grounds, carrying on the fond tradition of incorporating cactus into the landscaping. Handsome lamp posts have been installed along Hobson, and the footing for the monument sign has been poured. At the north end of the project along Main Street, the construction barrier has been moved back, revealing beautiful planter boxes along the sidewalk that will be filled with colorful flowers. Long sections of ornamental fencing are being connected with beautiful gates.
Plants Arriving at the Mesa Arizona Temple Grounds
Hundreds of plant-filled nursery pots are being delivered to the Mesa Arizona Temple for planting across the vast grounds, starting at the northwest corner of the lot. Cypress trees that were transplanted prior to the start of renovation are also returning the grounds. Installation of windows and ornamental fencing is nearing completion, as is road work along Lesueur and Hobson. Coping stones continue to be laid along the top of retaining walls and the borders of planter boxes. Cladding has begun on the exterior of the Family Discovery Center.
March Video Update for the Mesa Arizona Temple
The beauty and symmetry of the 20-acre grounds surrounding the Mesa Arizona Temple are on display in the latest video update, showing the progress being made on installation of ornamental fencing and other landscaping elements. Construction continues across the street on Church-owned projects including the impressive Discovery Center. A complete renovation of the interior spaces of the temple is also progressing.
North Reflection Pool Filled at the Mesa Arizona Temple
A new aerial photograph captures the reflection of the Mesa Arizona Temple in the recently filled pool located on the north side of the building. On the west side, beautiful gold-colored doors have been installed in the main entrance. A similar set of doors has been added on the rear side of the building. Installation of the ornamental fencing continues as does concrete and asphalt work including sidewalks and parking areas.
Aerial Update on the Mesa Arizona Temple Renovation
Watch the stunning aerial footage taken this month of the tree-filled grounds of the Mesa Arizona Temple. You'll catch a glimpse of the impressive Family Discovery Center and residential units under construction across the street, the massive sunken pageant grounds with crisscrossing walkways, the embedded water features in the reflection pools, and the work of installing permanent windows and ornamental fencing.
Reflection Pool Filled at the Mesa Arizona Temple
Water is rippling across the recently filled reflection pool on the west side of the Mesa Arizona Temple where the main entrance is located. Progress has also been made on installing black ornamental fencing along the west side and bollards around the northwest corner. A new driveway entrance have been paved for the west side of the parking lot. Previously, there were only entrances on the south side. Green patches of sod are just beginning to appear on the grounds.
Ornamental Fencing Appears at the Mesa Arizona Temple
The expansive 20-acre grounds surrounding the Mesa Arizona Temple continue to see more hard landscaping in the form of concrete walkways, planters, and ornamental fencing. At the temple, white-framed temporary windows are being replaced with black-framed permanent windows, and framing has gone up for the new west entrance doors. Across the street, structural framing for the Family Discovery Center is advancing rapidly.
Temporary Windows Coming Out at the Mesa Arizona Temple
With interior work advancing at the Mesa Arizona Temple, the temporary windows that have been used for the renovation are being replaced—one by one—with new permanent windows featuring the dark grid pattern of the originals. Bollards are being installed around the temple site, which will provide protection from vehicles entering the grounds. The street along the west side of the temple, South Lesueur, is receiving new curbing and sidewalks. After having been fitted to the platform, the pageant stage is coming down.
Fitting the Pageant Stage on the Mesa Arizona Temple Grounds
The multi-level stage for the annual Mesa Easter Pageant is rising on the north lawn of the Mesa Arizona Temple grounds to fit it to the new platform. The first production of the pageant was held over 90 years ago in 1928, and it is now considered the largest annual outdoor Easter pageant in the world. Renovations on the temple are progressing steadily including the replacement of the upper windows. Work is also proceeding on the Family Discovery Center and housing project being constructed across the street.