Dedicatory Prayer
5 March 1989
Dedicated 19–24 October 1984
by Gordon B. Hinckley
O God, Our Eternal Father, Thou Great Elohim, we come unto Thee in solemn prayer. Praise be to Thy name. Praise be to the name of Thine Only Begotten, our Redeemer and our Lord. Hear us, we beseech Thee, as we dedicate Thy holy house.
Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving as we bow before Thee. We are grateful for Thy priceless blessings. We thank Thee for the gift of Thy Beloved Son, who gave His life for us and all mankind. Through His sacrifice He broke the bands of death and unlocked the door to immortality and eternal life.
We thank Thee, Father, for this glorious season in the history of the earth, this dispensation of the fulness of times when Thou hast restored the gifts, blessings, and authority of all prior dispensations, ushered in by that glorious first vision given the Prophet Joseph Smith. We thank Thee for him, and for all of the gifts and authority restored to the earth through him. We thank Thee for the mighty faith and the marvelous works of those who have preceded us in laying the foundation and building Thy kingdom in the earth. Help us to be worthy of the heritage they have left.
We thank Thee for the manner in which Thou hast prospered Thy work. It has grown over the earth in breadth and strength and numbers. Thy people bear witness of its truth and beauty in many tongues.
We thank Thee for this day when with grateful hearts we present to Thee this holy house. We thank Thee for the vision of Thy prophet of our day in declaring that a temple should be built here. Bless all who have aided in its construction. It is now complete, and as Thy servants, acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son this, the Dallas Texas Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate the ground on which it stands, and all parts and facilities of the structure. We dedicate the furnishings and the equipment associated therewith. We dedicate it as Thy holy house and as the house of Thy Son, for the sacred purposes which Thou hast revealed for the blessing of Thy children, both the living and the dead. Please accept it as the consecrated offering of Thy thankful saints.
We pray that Thou wilt honor it with Thy presence, and with the presence of Thy Beloved Son. May Thy Holy Spirit abide here, and may all who enter bask in its warmth.
We pray that Thou wilt bless the surrounding grounds, that their beauty may reflect the beauty of Thy handiwork. Bless the structure that it may stand with dignity and strength as an expression of the dignity and strength of this, Thy great latter-day work. Preserve it from wind and storm, and from the desecrating hands of those who are instruments of the adversary of truth. May their evil designs be stayed by Thy mighty power, and wilt Thou touch their hearts that they may see the error of their ways and cease from further efforts against Thy work and Thy people. May this beautiful temple, standing in this community, become a declaration to all who shall look upon it, of the faith of Thy saints in the revealed things of eternity, and may they be led to respect that which is sacred unto us, Thy people.
May all who enter this Thy house be clean of mind and body. May they labor here with an eye single to Thy glory, and wilt Thou bless them with a spirit of gratitude for the great eternal gifts here to be given. Wilt Thou cultivate within their hearts a desire to labor in behalf of the dead, and wilt Thou grant them joy and gladness in so doing as they extend vicariously to those beyond the veil of death those ordinances required of Thy sons and daughters that they may go forward on the way that leads to eternal life.
Father in heaven, hallow these halls and sanctify these rooms and all of the facilities of this sacred edifice. May all of the structure, together with its furnishings and equipment, function harmoniously for the accomplishment of the work to be done herein. May this be a house of peace and worship, a house of faith and prayer to all who shall serve here. We pray that Thou wilt bless the temple presidency and all who labor with them in this Thy holy house.
Prosper Thy work in this part of Thy vineyard. May the dedication of this temple mark the beginning of a new and glorious day for Thy Church in this area. May the voices of evil be stilled. May the declaration of Thy truth be strengthened. May many hearts be opened to Thine everlasting gospel as it is proclaimed by Thy faithful servants. Father, may Thy work grow both here and across the world.
We pray for Thy prophet, Spencer W. Kimball, that Thy healing, sustaining power may be upon him. We pray for all associated with him in directing the work of Thy kingdom and for all who have responsibility therein wherever it may be organized. Open the doors of the nations to the teaching of the everlasting gospel that all who are inclined toward truth may hear Thy word and partake of Thy blessings.
Now, our beloved Father, please smile with favor upon us and upon our generations after us. Help us to walk the straight and narrow road that leads to life eternal. Help us to be true and faithful in all things according to Thy pattern and commandments.
O God, our Father, we worship Thee and love Thee. Accept of our thanks. Extend Thy mighty arm in our behalf to our eternal blessing and our everlasting joy, we humbly pray in the name of Him whom we also love and reverence, even Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dedicatory Prayer
19–24 October 1984
Rededicated 5 March 1989
by Gordon B. Hinckley (addition only)
O God our Eternal Father, we come unto Thee in the name of Thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ. Wilt Thou hear our words, we humbly pray.
Many present today were here when this Thy holy house was originally dedicated. We have recognized the answers concerning many things asked for in that prayer. The work in this Thy holy house has grown to a degree where it has become necessary to add to the facilities originally built. We thank Thee for the faith and the great activity of Thy Saints which have made necessary the enlargement of this Thy holy house and the improvement of its facilities.
We thank Thee for the consecrations of Thy people across the world who with faith have paid their tithes and offerings making it possible to maintain and add to this sacred structure.
As we have added to the building, we now add a prayer of dedication covering these new areas.
We particularly dedicate on this occasion the new baptistry, the new sealing room, the new endowment room, as well as all other facilities which have been added. We dedicate these as a part of the Dallas Texas Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and do it as Thy servants acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Beloved Son. We dedicate these additions unto Thee and unto Him as areas of Thy holy house to which we invite Thee and Him.
We thank Thee for the great saving ordinance of baptism for the dead. When He walked the earth Thy Beloved Son declared that "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3:5)
The requirement pertains to both the living and the dead. Thy divine revelation has set forth in our time the necessity of this sacred work, a vicarious work performed by living proxies in behalf of those beyond the veil of death. Please accept of the service of those who come to this font, both young and old, to perform these necessary ordinances. May all who act therein, whether they be young or old, know that they are doing that which Thou hast indicated must be done. Wilt Thou bless them by Thy holy spirit to know that their service is a divine service given to help those who are not in a position to help themselves. May there be an ever-increasing desire, particularly among the young people of Thy church, to come to this Thy holy house to perform this sacred ordinance. As they do so, wilt Thou touch them by the power of Thy spirit to know that this which they do is of Thee and is a part of Thy divine plan to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of Thy sons and daughters of all generations.
Bless the baptistry, the dressing rooms, and all associated facilities that they may be useful in fulfilling Thine everlasting purposes.
We dedicate the new endowment room, in which there will be given Thy revealed word concerning the eternal journey of man and the purposes for which the earth was created that he might dwell thereon and work out his salvation.
We dedicate the new sealing room and pray that all who serve therein and all who partake of the ordinances there to be given may be touched by Thy holy spirit to know with certainty of the immortality of the soul, of the validity of the sacrifice and resurrection of Thy Beloved Son, and of the eternity of the family through the exercise of the Holy Priesthood in this Thy house. Bless the ordinance workers that they shall not grow weary but shall know that their service is pleasing unto Thee and of great benefit to Thy sons and daughters. Bless those who receive these eternal ordinances that they may know that these are blessings precious beyond price not to be had in any other circumstances.
Now bless all of the facilities that have been added to this Thy house, and continue Thy blessings as we have previously pleaded upon this entire structure that all may function harmoniously together for the fulfillment of Thy divine purposes. We reaffirm our prayer at the time of the original dedication and add this prayer as a supplement to that, that they may be heard together by Thee and engraven together in the book of remembrance which is kept before Thee.
We thank Thee for all who have gathered on this sacred occasion. Many have traveled great distances. May they feel that their efforts have been rewarded, and may they return safely to their homes having been renewed in spirit and in love for Thee and Thy Son. Bless all of Thy faithful Saints in this temple district. Bless them in their substance as well as in their testimony.
Look with favor upon them, and open the windows of heaven and pour down Thy blessings.
We pray for Thy prophet of this day, even President Ezra Taft Benson. We pray for all associated with him in the governance of Thy work. We pray for the teachers and the officers in Thy church in all the world that they may be inspired and build faith in all of their undertakings.
Again we pray that Thou wilt thwart the evil designs of the adversary that they shall come to naught. We pray for the missionaries who go into the world to teach Thine everlasting gospel that they may be watched over and protected and led to those who will accept the everlasting truth. Bless those who come into the Church through the waters of baptism and the blessing of the Holy Ghost that they may grow in faith and strength and activity.
Father, we love Thee. We love Thy Son our Savior. We love Thy work. We love Thy people. Help us to reflect in our lives the love of which we speak.
On this day of dedication we rededicate ourselves to Thy service, praying that we may grow in faith and testimony, in power and purpose, and in fidelity to Thee, walking in obedience to Thy commandments, all of which we humbly ask in the name of our Redeemer, our Savior, Thine Only Begotten in the flesh, Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.