Cleveland Ohio Temple
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Cladding Reaches the Steeple of the Cleveland Ohio Temple
The installation of precast panels on the exterior of the Cleveland Ohio Temple has reached the steeple. The two-tiered tower will feature stained-glass windows on both the lower tier and upper tier. It will be topped by a domed cupola supporting an elegant finial. Cleveland is the most populous city on Lake Erie and the second most populous city in the state, following the capital of Columbus where the Columbus Ohio Temple is located.
Caring for the Crews at the Cleveland Ohio Temple
Construction workers at the Cleveland Ohio Temple are feeling the love from local ward members who have provided warm homemade meals, tasty treats, and adorable thank you notes for them to enjoy. Crews are currently securing precast wall panels and architectural elements to the exterior while early work gets underway on the interior. The temple is looking more beautiful every day.
Snowy Conditions Arrive at the Cleveland Ohio Temple Site
Winter weather has brought cold temperatures and snow to the Cleveland Ohio Temple site, but the resilient crews adapt to the conditions and soldier on in their construction efforts. Precast panels continue to be secured to the exterior, and finish work is getting underway on the interior. A 2,200-square-foot ancillary building will also be constructed on site, providing a waiting area, restrooms, and storage.
Cladding the Exterior of the Cleveland Ohio Temple
Construction crews at the Cleveland Ohio Temple site are making quick work of hanging the cladding panels on the exterior of the temple, which has been under construction for six months. In the dedicatory prayer of the nearby Kirtland Temple, a revelation from the Lord was quoted where He declared: "Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God" (D&C 109:8).
Framing the Steeple for the Cleveland Ohio Temple
Framing of the central steeple over the Cleveland Ohio Temple is underway with the assistance of a telescoping crane. Exterior cladding panels have been staged on site, and installation is progressing. The use of prefabricated modules has significantly accelerated the construction of the temple, which has been underway for just five-and-a-half months. The temple stands on a beautifully wooded lot in the Cleveland suburb of Independence.
Steel Framing Begins for the Cleveland Ohio Temple
The prefabricated modules for the Cleveland Ohio Temple have been set in place, and the first columns for the frame structure have been installed. The frame will rise over the modules to create the steel support for the upper walls and steeple. The temple is located about thirty miles west of the Kirtland Temple, a historic Church building that operated as a temple in the late 1830s.
First Modules Installed for the Cleveland Ohio Temple
The first prefabricated modules for the Cleveland Ohio Temple have been set in place on the concrete foundation. Once all of the modules have been anchored to the foundation and stitched together, a steel frame will be erected to form the upper walls and steeple. Modular construction is a newer method of temple building that has been used in Montana and Wyoming.
Installing Concrete Curbing at the Cleveland Ohio Temple Site
Concrete crews are installing curbing on the grounds of the Cleveland Ohio Temple, clearly defining the driveways and parking areas around the temple. Work continues on pouring the footings for the foundation around a central baptismal font. The temple is located in a quiet wooded neighborhood in the suburb of Independence. Construction has been underway for the past three months.
Foundation for the Cleveland Ohio Temple Taking Shape
The concrete footings for the Cleveland Ohio Temple are taking shape. The foundation will support the building modules that are being manufactured at an off-premises plant for transportation to the construction site. The forms for the front portico can be seen on the east side of foundation. The Columbus Ohio Temple is currently the only operating temple in the state. A third Ohio temple has been announced for Cincinnati.
Foundation Work Begins at the Cleveland Ohio Temple Site
The Cleveland Ohio Temple and ancillary building are in the early stages of construction. Crews have begun the work of setting steel bars for the reinforced concrete footings and foundations. The groundbreaking ceremony was held one month ago under the direction of Elder Vaiangina Sikahema, First Counselor in the North America Northeast Area Presidency.
Groundbreaking Held for the Cleveland Ohio Temple
Elder Vaiangina Sikahema, First Counselor in the North America Northeast Area Presidency, presided at the groundbreaking for the Cleveland Ohio Temple on Saturday, June 1, 2024. "So many of you are pioneers in this area and have made this day possible, and we thank you," said Elder Sikahema. During his dedicatory prayer, he expressed gratitude for the early Saints who gathered in Kirtland, Ohio, saying, "Holy Father, we stand here now nearly two centuries from those difficult days, blessed because Thy people followed the Prophet Joseph to this great land of Ohio."
Groundbreaking Date Announced for the Cleveland Ohio Temple
Groundbreaking services for the Cleveland Ohio Temple will be held on Saturday, June 1, 2024. Elder Vaiangina Sikahema, First Counselor in the North America Northeast Area Presidency, will preside. Cleveland is located on the southern shore of Lake Erie about 20 miles from the Kirtland Temple. The new temple will be constructed on Brecksville Road in the suburb of Independence. Plans call for a temple of approximately 9,000 square feet with a 100-foot spire. Site preparations are already underway.
Official Rendering Released for the Cleveland Ohio Temple
The official exterior rendering for the Cleveland Ohio Temple has been released. The east-facing building will be approximately 9,000 square feet with a 100-foot spire. A 2,200-square-foot ancillary building will provide a non-patron waiting area, restrooms, break room, and storage for grounds and maintenance equipment. A lot consolidation of two properties owned by the Church and a special conditional use variance went before the local Planning Commission in June. A public hearing followed in July.
Cleveland Ohio Temple Site Released to the Public
The selected property for the Cleveland Ohio Temple has been released to the public. The temple will be constructed on Brecksville Road, south of Longano Drive, in the city of Independence in Cuyahoga County. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 9,900 square feet. There is one dedicated temple in operation in the state of Ohio, located in the capital city of Columbus. It was dedicated in 1999, and it is scheduled to be rededicated on June 4, 2023. The first temple built in Ohio was the Kirtland Temple, which is owned by the Community of Christ.