Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Casper Wyoming Temple

Dedicatory Prayer

Dedicated 24 November 2024
by Quentin L. Cook

God, our Beloved Eternal Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, with heads bowed and hearts filled with gratitude we come unto Thee in solemn and sacred prayer. We are gathered to dedicate this beautiful Casper Wyoming Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unto Thee for Thy divine purposes.

We are grateful for the sacrifice and commitment of early pioneers who traversed this Platte River territory and acknowledge the terrible price that some paid, and the heroic rescue that others provided. Names like Martin’s Cove, Rock Creek Hollow, and Rocky Ridge are indelibly etched in our sacred memory of pioneers.

We also acknowledge and are grateful for the sacrifice of modern Latter-day Saints whose religious observance, devotion, and consecrated contributions have made possible the construction of this sacred edifice.

We are profoundly grateful for the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and sacred priesthood keys that extend the opportunity for each of Thy children to attain salvation and exaltation.

Now, Beloved Father, in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, acting in the office of the holy apostleship and the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and under the direction of Thy servant, President Russell M. Nelson, I dedicate and consecrate this Casper Wyoming Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for its sacred purposes.

We dedicate this temple unto Thee and unto Thy Beloved Son as Thy holy house. We pray that it will be sanctified and a place of Thy holiness, and that Thy Spirit may dwell here.

We dedicate this hallowed ground and beautiful structure from its footings and foundation to the steeple. May this temple be preserved from the destructive forces of nature and the designs of those who attempt to thwart Thy work. We also dedicate all of the sacred rooms including the baptistry, initiatory, endowment, sealing, and celestial rooms of this hallowed edifice. May all recognize that this is a consecrated and holy structure dedicated for eternally significant ordinances.

Dear Father, please touch the hearts of the people, especially the youth, in this special part of Thy vineyard. That they may be inspired and motivated to attend this temple often and to search for their forebearers and do vicarious work on their behalf. May they experience the profound joy that emanates from unselfish service and emulates the great vicarious sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in our behalf.

We pray that Thy watch care will be over those who preside and serve in the temple. Please bless them that their hearts shall be filled with joy. We pray for all who direct Thy work across the earth that they may be inspired and blessed as they bear testimony of Thee and Thy Son.

Our supplication to Thee is that this sacred structure will be blessed and preserved, and that the temple will be sanctified as a place of Thy holiness to accomplish Thy eternal purposes.

On this historic day in Casper, Wyoming, we plead for these blessings as we dedicate this, Thy temple, and invoke Thy blessing on all who serve herein. We pray that Thou will accept this temple as the offering of our hearts and hands.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.