Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

San Pedro Sula Honduras Temple

Dedicatory Prayer

Dedicated 13 October 2024
by Dale G. Renlund

Our dear, kind Heavenly Father, we are grateful to gather today as Thy sons and daughters to dedicate this temple in San Pedro Sula. We thank Thee for Latter-day Saints in this temple district who have served Thee faithfully for years. We are grateful for their examples and for the sacrifices they have made. We are grateful for members in Honduras and around the world who have contributed the resources necessary to build the temple. We pray that Thou would pour out additional blessings on them because of their faithfulness.

Acting in the office of the holy apostleship, under the direction of President Russell M. Nelson, and by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood, we dedicate the San Pedro Sula Honduras Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We dedicate every part of this beautiful building, from the footings and foundations to the dome and steeple that adorn its top. We dedicate the auxiliary structures, surrounding grounds and landscaping. We plead with Thee to protect the temple and its environs from natural disasters or evil actions.

We recognize that the temple is not simply a beautiful structure but that it is a holy place wherein sacred ordinances can be performed, ordinances that allow Thy children on both sides of the veil to make and keep covenants with Thee. We thank Thee that we can be drawn closer to Thee, be bound more strongly to Thee and that Thy divine love can deepen as we make and keep these covenants.

We are grateful for the central role of Jesus Christ in the plan of salvation. We know that He bore “our griefs, and carried our sorrows.” He had “laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:4, 6). He “endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2), broke “the bands of death” (Mosiah 15:23), “ascended into heaven, and … sat down on [Thy] right hand … to claim of [Thee the] rights of mercy” (Moroni 7:27) for those who believe on His name.

We sense that He yearns for us to access His power so that He can forgive our sins and pardon us from the punishment that we would otherwise warrant. We recognize that He wants to transform us, to have us become perfected in Him, thus helping us be sanctified. We stand all amazed at the love He offers us. We stand amazed at the love Thou offers us. We are forever indebted to Him and to Thee.

Today, we not only dedicate this temple, but we dedicate ourselves to the work of the Lord, Jesus Christ. We are grateful for the Restoration of His gospel, His priesthood and His Church. We are grateful for Joseph Smith and modern prophets who have helped us understand our divine nature and eternal destiny.

We ask Thee to bless the current and future temple leaders and temple workers with health and wisdom. Please bless all who enter the temple that they may feel Thy power and recognize that Thou has sanctified it. Bless those who visit the temple grounds that they may sense that it is a place of Thy holiness.

We pray for everyone in the temple district, particularly the vulnerable among us. We pray that Thou would bless all those who suffer in any way. Please help them and bless those who try to relieve suffering and offer hope.

May faithful Latter-day Saints in the temple district act as a leaven to call down Thy blessings on all people in the San Pedro Sula area. We pray that Thou would bless and prosper this choice nation of Honduras with peace, protection and prosperity. We ask Thee to inspire and strengthen government leaders who facilitate freedoms that allow for the safety and well-being of all Thy children. Help those leaders to be favorably disposed to facilitating the forward progress of Thy Son’s work.

Now, dear Father, we present this temple as an offering to Thee. We pray that Thou will accept it. We pray that Thou will sanctify it, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.