News Stories
Cladding of the Lindon Utah Temple Nears Completion
At the Lindon Utah Temple site, scaffolding has been removed from the south steeple and most of the north steeple. The newly clad structures rise high above the temple roof, pointing toward heaven. In addition to the north steeple, a little work remains on the north and south porticos, but the building's exterior is nearly complete. Decorative window spandrels are being installed between the stained-glass windows on the second and third floors.
President and Matron of the Lindon Utah Temple Called
Lynn McKinlay Brätt and Elizabeth Ann Prestwich Brätt of the Lindon 14th Ward have been called as the first president and matron of the Lindon Utah Temple. President Brätt is a Sunday School teacher and temple sealer and a former bishop and elders quorum president. Sister Brätt is a Sunday School teacher and temple worker and a former ward Relief Society president and ward Primary presidency counselor.
Lindon Utah Temple Celestial Room Art Glass Windows
On the east side of the Lindon Utah Temple, exquisite art glass windows for the celestial room have been installed. Deep blues and greens swirl among depictions of linden trees leaves and blossoms, greatly adding to the heavenly atmosphere of the temple. Granite cladding of the spires will be wrapping up soon, and work has begun on the south portico. The temple has been under construction for almost 33 months.
Installing the Monument Sign Panels for the Lindon Utah Temple
Installation of the inscribed panels for the monument sign of the Lindon Utah Temple is underway. The sign sits along Center Street on the north side of the temple site, identifying the building to passing motorists. Nearby fence posts are also being clad in granite that matches the temple's exterior. The temple in Lindon will be the seventh dedicated in Utah County. An eighth temple has been announced for the city of Lehi.
Building Plazas on the East and West Sides of the Lindon Utah Temple
Beautiful plazas are forming on the east and west sides of the Lindon Utah Temple where pavers have been laid and raised planters installed. At the northeast corner of the property, an oval-shaped gathering area is in place, offering picture-perfect views of the two-towered temple. Cladding is quickly moving up the body of the south tower, and work will soon follow on the north tower.
Work Progressing on Both Steeples of the Lindon Utah Temple
Crates of granite panels have been lifted to the roof of the Lindon Utah Temple in preparation for cladding the north and south steeples. On the east side of the building, scaffolding has been removed, decorative spandrel panels have been installed, and planters are taking shape on the ground. Landscaping of the front plaza is making substantial progress while some trees and shrubs have been planted in the rear plaza area.
Installing Art Glass in the Lindon Utah Temple
Art glass windows have been installed in several rooms of the Lindon Utah Temple including the instruction rooms and celestial room. The windows feature depictions of the linden tree with their beautiful leaves, buds, and blossoms. With cladding of the main body of the temple nearing completion, scaffolding has been erected around both steeples, which will also be clad in stone panels. On the grounds, the flag pole has been installed, and landscaping is progressing.
South Parking Lot Paved at the Lindon Utah Temple
On the south end of the Lindon Utah Temple site, the final layer of asphalt has been paved for the south parking lot, joining the previously paved east and west lots. A wide curved walkway has been installed at the south entrance, flanked by flowerbeds and terminated with staircases that connect into the oval-shaped south plaza. Scaffolding has been erected in preparation for cladding the south walls and steeple of the temple. With the majority of the permanent fencing in place, large sections of the construction fence have been removed.
Lifting Crates of Granite to the Roof of the Lindon Utah Temple
A telescoping crane lifts crates of heavy granite cladding to the roof of the Lindon Utah Temple, as crews prepare to clad the temple's beautiful double steeples. Granite has been installed and caulked on the west side, and the east side is not far behind. The north side has also been clad with the exception of the portico. Scaffolding is being erected on the south side and around the steeples. Work continues on the plazas at the north and south ends of the property.
Landscaping the Grounds of the Lindon Utah Temple
Around the perimeter of the Lindon Utah Temple site, fence panels are being installed and landscaping efforts are moving forward with the planting of trees and the spreading of mulch. Landscaping is also progressing in the west parking lot where a masonry fence was recently installed, and trees and shrubs are being established. Hardscaping continues on the north and south plazas, which feature beautiful stone-clad planters and pavers.
Cladding the North Side of the Lindon Utah Temple
With cladding nearing completion on the west side of the Lindon Utah Temple, and the east side not far behind, crews are making progress on cladding the north facade above the entrance portico. Decorative window headers are making an appearance on the west, and the concrete footing and core for the monument sign have been installed near the north sidewalk. Cinder blocks are being set for the south plaza planters.
Oval Pad Poured South of the Lindon Utah Temple
Work is underway on the hardscape south of the Lindon Utah Temple. Stakes have been placed to mark the location of planter footings, and a concrete oval pad has been poured, which will serve as a sitting and gathering area. Many of the trees delivered to the temple site have already been planted. Installation of ornamental fencing continues around the property while granite cladding is making excellent progress on the east and west sides of the temple.
Curbing Installed for the West Parking Lot of the Lindon Utah Temple
Concrete crews have nearly finished installing the curbing for the west parking lot of the Lindon Utah Temple. Planters are in place for the front plaza and will soon be ready for the application of granite cladding. Framers are attaching studs to the base of the north steeple ahead of sheathing and granite cladding, while landscapers are preparing the grounds for grass sod and other landscaping by spreading topsoil over the bare ground.
A Beautiful Spring Morning at the Lindon Utah Temple
The beautiful snow-capped peaks of Mount Timpanogos play backdrop to the steeple frames of the Lindon Utah Temple, which catches the rays of the morning sun. Framing and sheathing is being added to the base of the south steeple while stone installers continue to hang granite on the exterior of the building. More window frames are being installed, including the frames for the celestial room windows on the east side.
Hardscaping the Lindon Utah Temple Grounds
The setting sun drops below the mountains west of Utah Lake, beautifully framed by the double spires of the Lindon Utah Temple. On the temple grounds, footings for the entrance plaza are being formed and poured while deliveries of lamp posts, bollards, and benches are received. Cladding of the west side of the temple has paused near the roofline, but granite continues to move steadily up the east side.
Winter Sun Over the Lindon Utah Temple
The dazzling rays of the sun cast light on the recently installed spires of the Lindon Utah Temple, following a winter storm that left the ground covered in blankets of snow. The double towers of the temple rise over the eastern side of the city—the sixth in Utah County to be home to a house of the Lord. With two temples located in Provo, there are seven total in the county, but the 52-year-old Provo Utah Temple will close for demolition and reconstruction at the end of next week.
Installing the Spires on the Lindon Utah Temple
The spires for the Lindon Utah Temple were delivered to the construction site this morning for installation atop the white tower frames. With the help of telescopic boom cranes, the south spire and finial were set in place by the afternoon. Scaffold sheeting is up on the east side of the temple where installation of stone cladding continues. The temple has been under construction for the past 21 months.
Granite Cladding Progress on the Lindon Utah Temple
Granite cladding has progressed about halfway up the east and west sides of the Lindon Utah Temple, as masons secure one panel at a time to hanging brackets bolted to the exterior. Each panel is custom made for its specific position and identified by number, facilitating installation and replacement if needed. Once in place, the joints between the panels are sealed. Interior work is also progressing, and preparations are being made to begin millwork.
A Wintery Day at the Lindon Utah Temple
Blankets of snow have settled over the foothills and grounds surrounding the Lindon Utah Temple. On the west side of the building, granite cladding has reached the top of the main level, and on the east side, cladding has begun along the base. Sheathing of the north portico and framing of the south portico have been completed. Window frame installation is progressing in the rectangular openings.
Paving the Parking Lots at the Lindon Utah Temple
Fresh asphalt is being paved for the parking lots surrounding the Lindon Utah Temple. Granite cladding is moving up the west side of the building where the grand staircase is located. Window frames are being installed in openings, and crates of clear glass have been delivered to the site. Application of a roof sealer is nearing completion, providing a layer of protection against the weather.
Work Advancing on All Sides of the Lindon Utah Temple
New scaffolding has been erected at the front of the Lindon Utah Temple on top of the frame for the main entrance portico. Framing and sheathing are well underway on the building's east side while granite cladding is making progress on the west side. On top of the temple, a roof underlayment is being installed. Center Street, the road in front of the temple, is being repaved along with new concrete curbing.
Granite Cladding of the Lindon Utah Temple Underway
For the past couple of weeks, crews have been installing granite cladding on the west side of the Lindon Utah Temple. Work began below grade and remained out of sight until last week. The concrete walls are waterproofed before the stone is attached. The cladding process is expected to continue through all of next year. On the grounds, concrete curbing has been installed for the parking lots on top of a layer of aggregate.
Steeple Frame Assemblies Installed on the Lindon Utah Temple
Framing has been installed for the two steeples rising from the Lindon Utah Temple. The frames were built in sections and then hoisted into place. The base sections were installed in mid-July and reinforced. By the end of the month, the middle and top sections had been secured. On the west side of the building, glass-mat sheathing boards with moisture and mold resistance are being attached to the concrete exterior walls.
Framing for the Lindon Utah Temple Steeples Begins
Structural framing has begun for the two steeples of the Lindon Utah Temple. Framing for the north steeple began on Wednesday, and work on the south steeple began two days later. The steeple body frames are already staged on site and will soon be secured to the bases. Inside, concrete for the baptismal fonts has been poured, drywall is being hung on the first floor, and framing for the instruction rooms is progressing.
Framing the Interior of the Lindon Utah Temple
On the ground floor of the Lindon Utah Temple, interior framing and mechanical rough-in are progressing. Perfectly plumb studs are being positioned while HVAC ducts are run along the ceiling. Heavy framing for staircases and side windows have been recently installed, and concrete block walls for the maintenance building are in place. Construction of the temple has been underway for about 13 months.
Retaining Wall Installation at the Lindon Utah Temple Site
Along the east border of the Lindon Utah Temple site, a decorative retaining wall is being constructed one block at a time with the help of heavy machinery. Iron workers are installing a staircase at the southwest corner of the temple and setting the supporting steel for the roof deck. Conduit is being laid between the maintenance building and the temple for electrical power lines.
Lindon Utah Temple Grand Staircase Frame
The first section of the steel frame for the grand staircase in the Lindon Utah Temple was lowered by crane and secured into place today. Heavy framing for the upper floors of the three-story building continues. The one-year anniversary of the groundbreaking ceremony is just two-and-a-half weeks away. The temple sits on the east side of Utah Lake across from the Saratoga Springs Utah Temple, which has been completed and will open for tours next week.
Second Level Floor Deck for the Lindon Utah Temple
Steel framing inside the concrete sheer walls of the Lindon Utah Temple has reached the second level, where crews are installing a metal floor deck for a future concrete pour. Footings have been installed for the portico on the north end of the building, and waterproofing efforts continue on the foundation walls. Construction has been underway for ten and a half months.
Steel Framing Begins for the Lindon Utah Temple
A steel structure rises from inside the concrete walls of the Lindon Utah Temple as heavy framing begins. Steel beams and columns lie in tidy stacks in staging areas around the temple, ready to be incorporated into the growing structure. Earlier this month the basement floor slabs were poured, and the first shipment of granite cladding from Italy arrived. A ground defroster has been delivered for melting snow under the portico.
Shears Walls Completed for the Lindon Utah Temple
The concrete shear walls for the Lindon Utah Temple are an impressive sight from East Center Street. The walls have reached their full height and will be combined with heavy framing to form the main structure of the building. Work is focused on the basement where supporting structures for the baptismal fonts have been installed. Excavation has begun for the footings of the ancillary building.